Server Time:

Server regulations

By accessing or using all registered users must agree with every point of these rules. Disagreement with at least one paragraph of these rules, forbids you to use our site and forum, in addition forbids you to play Mu Online. Please treat other members with respect. Following rules helps to create a fun and fair environment for everyone. Everyone must agree with the rules, as there are no exceptions!

1. Gameplay and general rules

1.1. It is not allowed to play accounts for commercial purposes. It is not allowed to sell, buy, trade or offer accounts in exchange for any other benefit. It is not allowed to exchange any game values for outside benefits such as money, vouchers, other server values etc. The exception is the web market, where you can sell your items for in-game currency.
Punishment: From 7 days character suspension to permanent restriction to server and account for seller and/or the buyer.

1.2. It is not allowed to use 3rd party software to alter the gameplay. Each player is required to report serious errors immediately to the Administration. A player is not allowed to knowingly take advantage of bugs. If you notice that a player is abusing a bug in the game you must report him. If you notice a spelling error or typo, you are not obligated to report it, however you are encouraged to do so for the improvement of the game.
Punishment: From 7 days character suspension to permanent restriction to server and account.

1.3. It is not allowed to fool Administration: giving false evidence, providing fabricated evidence. It is not allowed to impersonate Administration.
Punishment: From 7 days character suspension to permanent restriction to server and account.

1.4. It is not allowed to have disrespectful attitude to the server staff, on the forum or in the game. Threats against the server staff, on the forum and in the game, may lead to the punishment.
Punishment: From 7 days character suspension to permanent restriction to server and account.

1.5. It is not allowed to interfere with a Game Master during the events.
Punishment: From 1 hour to 1 day character suspension. An alternative punishment - PK status increase and a teleport to any of locations.

1.6. It is not allowed to humiliate other players. An administrator will suspend your account in case of insults, mockery, bad jokes, bad attitude, provoking or any kind of related behaviour. It is not allowed to offend any of players relatives or family members.
Punishment: From 1 to 7 days chat ban to 7 days character and account suspension.

1.7. It is not allowed to make statements about leaving the game or other harmful statements, that can leave a bad effect on the server. It is not allowed to unjustifiably criticise Administration actions, in order to discredit the Gaming Portal, rather than improving its quality.
Punishment: From 7 days character suspension to permanent restriction to server and account.

1.7.1. It is forbidden to criticize discuss, condemn any actions of the server administration, whether it is changing the server settings and so on. it is strictly prohibited. Everything is done as it is considered necessary... If any changes to the game settings are not acceptable to the user, they must immediately stop using the service.
Punishment: From 7 days in prison to a lifetime of blocking the character and account.

1.8. It is not allowed to advertise any kind of other game projects.
Punishment: From 7 days character suspension to permanent restriction to server and account.

1.9. It is forbidden to pass your account data (login, password, e-mail) to other players. If you were robbed or deleted characters. The administration does not return things and does not restore the characters. Only the owner of the account is responsible for the security of his account.

2.0. The characters nickname must not be vulgar, contain references to alcohol and drugs, Nazi propaganda, obscene language, insults and "the language of scum". It is forbidden to use nicknames, when using which the character can be taken for an employee of official clans and Administration. We recommend using an easy-to-read nickname. It should not be a chaotic combination of letters, offensive in nature, or have a pronounced sexual context.
Punishment: From 7 days in prison to a lifetime of blocking the character and account.

2.1. It is forbidden to mislead players with messages that the server administration, is engaged in shady sales, creates things for players, on the server play friends of the administrator and any other false information.
Punishment: From 7 days imprisonment to lifetime blocking of the character and account.

2.1.1. Any criticism related to available donations on the server is forbidden! It's none of your business! Donations are the reason you play these games! If you don't like playing where there is donation, don't start playing!
Punishment: From 7 days imprisonment to lifetime blocking of the character and account.

2.1.2. Abuse of Walk and Kill
Those who walk around the maps and kill everyone for fun!
We will only consider for those players who kill everyone for no good reason. Killing one party as a result of a competition is allowed, but sending everyone on a map or multiple maps to safety just because you think it's fun to keep real people from leveling up is not a valid reason. This behavior must be repeated in order to be considered a misdemeanor and reported.
Punishment: Character Block 2 days, Character Block 1 week, Character Block 1 month, up to lifetime character and account block.

2. Administration and project

2.1. Administration will not require users password or game items.

If you’re being asked to give your game items or password - this is not an administrator. Administration do not want your game items or password. Administration does not return any missing characters or game items. We do not change your account passwords, we do not make rollbacks in case if you are robbed or allegedly robbed. It is your responsibility to protect your property and characters. Beware of scams!

2.2. Administration will never intimidate or threaten you.

Administration will never threaten players with a ban or other actions. If you have broken the rules, we will punish you with an according punishment. If you haven’t break any of particular rules, however you were close to it, Administration can warn you to behave within the rules. To give only a warning, noway to threat you. If someone threats you with a ban or with something else, most likely it is a scammer!

2.3. Administration reserves rights to:

Ban temporarily or permanently, any user account without any notice, refund or compensation, if we are of opinion that it is necessary. Furthermore, we reserve rights to remove all the player accounts, characters and their game items, if we are of opinion that it is necessary. In exceptional cases, administration reserves rights to unblock the account.

2.4. Administration may shut down, reboot or modify the server without any notice.

Administration is doing everything whats in their power to keep the server running. However, to improve and modify our server, it can sometimes require reboot or temporary shutdown. Nevertheless, we will inform you about planned maintenances on the website or forum.

2.5. Game project’s performance warranty.

Our game project is free and demonstrative. Administration does not guarantee full functionality of certain aspects of the game, and also does not guarantee their corrections. As well, Administration do not guarantee to return player items or any other gaming values, which were lost due to technical problems.

2.6. Administration decisions.

Any decision made by the Administration is fair and competent, it’s out of the question.

2.7. Registration for the siege of the castle through the Administration.

The administration of the server does not register guilds for a siege of the castle manually! There is complete information about the date of registration for the siege of the castle in the knowledge base. If you did not have time to fulfill all the conditions for registration is your problem. If your guild was registered and disbanded, that's your problem too. If out of 3 guilds only 1 guild of active players remains then they will take the siege castle.

3. Final provisions

3.1. Administration reserves rights to change the server regulations, without warning users, at any time if it’s necessary. New rules shall come into force from the moment of their publication on the website. In case if rules are changed, players should take responsibility to read and accept them.

3.2. Every player should accept the responsibility to regularly check the information published on our game portal, to stay in touch with the possible changes. If the player continuous using our services, it will be considered as players acceptance of such changes.

3.3. Each player is required to report all the offenders and violations, all the serious errors and bugs immediately to the Administration in the appropriate section on the forum.

3.4. If the player cannot accept any changes and/or additions, he should immediately stop using the service.

Server Opening